Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Love

OK, I know I’m a little late on the Halloween Wagon.  And I know I tend to bombard you with posts one day, and then not post at all the next (I really need to learn to use the que, or at least learn how not get so excited about my posts that I can wait to share with you). But, it does get pretty busy around here being a single mama to two little terrorists.  (OK, who am I kidding?  Fable III came out and I spent the better part of my free time this weekend getting some serious game on.  I’m sorry.  I still love you tumblies - I just kind of love Fable III more right now. But trust me, just like BSB, it’s only a phase).

HOWEVER because of my lack of posting over the weekend, I am treating you with an extra post tonight with all of the Halloween greatness I’m sure you’ve been dying to see!!  What makes it so special you might ask?  Well, two magical things, friends - Darth Vader & Zombies.

Darth Caden

Wait for it… Wait for it…

BOOM!  This is just one reason why having boys is AWESOME.

And I just decided to throw these in for good measure, cuz that’s how I roll.  And they are not oranges, they are pumpkins, damn it.  Pumpkins dressed up as oranges for Halloween.  Umm…yeah.  That’s it.

(Delicious icing care of TheSahmmy - thank you, it really is THE BEST EVER!)