Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mommy Strategy

When trying to get my kids to follow directions, there are times when being “mom” just isn’t enough.  Times when “do your homework,” “pick up your room,” and “settle down” all result in the same variation of the basic whiny question of “why,” and the response “because I said so” evokes a sheer look of confusion from them and causes me to flirt with the idea that maybe I speak Japanese and they’re the only ones aware of it.

However, I think I may have found an answer.

I’ve found, during these times, if I add “family” as an adjective any time I want something done collectively, my kids have no idea they’re doing something they don’t want to do.  It’s genius, really.

Examples:  Family Clean Up Day, Family Quiet Time, Family Movie Night, Family Game Time (have to throw in a few fun ones to throw them off the trail), Family Homework Time, Family Dinner Time, etc.

It has totally worked so far, and it’s even been great for everyone on the quality time scale.  When I’m involved and participating in whatever I’ve asked them to do, they’re less likely to whine about not wanting to do it. Then they are happy and mommy isn’t having visions of locking anyone in closets!  Yay!

WARNING:  This is where I point out that I mostly have no clue what I’m talking about outside of my own experience, but this little strategy seems to work for me and my monsters, so it’s possible it’ll work for others.  Also, do not use this strategy to get your kids to do things such as bathe or pee in the potty.  Family Bathing Time and Family Toilet Time are just NOT OK.