Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shame On You, Mommy

So, I got this mole on my lower calf removed about a week ago.  In order to remove the mole, they had to remove a chunk of flesh about the size, shape, and thickness of a nickel.  So now where the mole used to be, there is just an ugly, flesh-exposed hole in my leg.  And I have to be honest - it looks real gross.  I usually keep it covered, but last night I had treated it and wanted to let it air out a bit.

So last night at story time, Caden was laying in my bed as we were wrapping up the last of his book.  When I told him the story was over and it was time for bed, he did what he usually does and pretended he was asleep.  I always know he isn’t and that it’s just his attempt to play with me, but I was already tired and feeling cranky, so I really wasn’t in the mood.  I told him again it was bed time, and tried to keep patient, but it seems the bed time command is always inevitably followed up with whining.

CJ:  Awwww man.  Can’t I just sleep in your bed mom?
Me: No Caden, you have your own bed, dude.  We each have our own beds so that we can sleep in them.
CJ:  But mom, I just want to sleep in your bed and cuddle with you.

Now, while this sentiment is pretty sweet, and there have definitely been nights where this exact same conversation has taken place and I have caved without much hesitation at all, I have undoubtedly learned my lesson.  First of all, if you cave and let one kid sleep with you, the other kid’s sleepy-sense starts tingling and within five minutes he will show up in your room at your bedside, poking your shoulder to see if you’re awake and ask if he can get in the bed, too.  And if you let one kid in the bed, you have to let the other in.  Secondly, if you cave, they will remember it and exploit your weakness e-v-e-r-y chance they get.  And unless you enjoy some good, old fashioned, tag team style jabs-to-the-ribs and a few forearms-to-the-face while you are sleeping, you will seriously reconsider allowing this to happen.

With that in mind, there was no way the kid was sleeping with me, but I still knew that the next five minutes would consist of him working every angle he knew how, and me shooting him down like a WWII kamikaze pilot.  None of which I was looking forward to or really in the mood to deal with at all.  So when he noticed the “thing” on my leg and started asking questions, I knew the universe had recognized my frustration and my moment had arrived.

CJ:  What’s that thing, mom?
Me:  It’s my owie.
CJ:  Oh man!  That’s DISGUSTING!
Me:  Yep, and if you don’t get out of my bed, I’m going to put it on you.

His face went immediately from curiosity, to complete disgust, to sheer horror at the thought of having this thing touching him, and I just sat for a moment and delighted at my own evil genius.  Then, when I could tell he wasn’t quite sure if I was serious or not, I raised my leg and began inching it further in his direction, taunting him in a sing-songy fashion like here I cooomeI’m gonna put it on youuuu…

I don’t think I’ve seen him bolt out of my bed so quickly before, e-v-e-r .  And as if that wasn’t enough, just for my own complete enjoyment of the situation, I followed him all the way out of the room taunting him every time he turned around to see if he could relax.  I’m telling you, the kid was out of there with the quickness.

I’m fairly sure I can say that I’ve never been so ashamed and so proud of myself all at the same time.  It was seriously awesome.

Mommy - 1, Caden - 0