Monday, October 4, 2010

Meet Patches

Today I’d like to introduce you to my youngest son, Patches.  Patches normally goes by the name TJ, is four years old (soon to be five), and wants to be famous.  So today, in an honest effort to achieve his goal, he decided it would be an exceptional idea to cut his own hair.  When asked why, he stated he wanted to look “famous” and “fancy like grandpa” (who is half bald, by the way).   This is the amazing look he came up with, which I like to call the “Dino Egg” cut.

I think it’ll be a hit.  Soon, four-year-olds everywhere will be dying for this look.

Umm, yeah.

Makes me really happy that I just paid to get his hair cut last week, though.  Next time I’m just handing him scissors and letting him go to town.  I bet it’ll be even fancier then.