Friday, October 1, 2010

Morning Madness In The Monster House

This morning was another chaotic morning, and, of course, could have most likely been avoided had I just pulled my butt out of bed when the alarm went off.  I honestly don’t know what my problem is.  Every night I resolve that I will be disciplined enough to wake up ON TIME tomorrow and it will be a new start for mornings in our house.  I don’t know who I think I’m kidding.  It doesn’t really matter what time I go to bed - when the alarm goes off, I’m still like only ten more minutes… just need ten more…

Which doesn’t even make any sense.  Who realistically only needs ten more minutes of sleep?  Like in that ten minutes, I’ll suddenly feel awakened and rejuvenated enough to spring from my bed and greet the day with a smile on my face and sunshine in my hair.  Uh, yeah, not so much.  All that ten minutes does is give me the opportunity to fall back to sleep long enough for the alarm to go off again, be jolted out of the intro of the most amazing dream ever, and wake up disgruntled and pissed at life.

Then of course we’re all I’m rushing around trying to get everyone ready and fed before we leave, while simultaneously getting myself ready for work.  And why wouldn’t it be the kind of morning where the littlest monster doesn’t want to get himself dressed, or get his own shoes and socks on, and wants instead to play the gameboy FIRST THING? (Not even exaggerating here.  I watched him literally open his eyes, roll over, grab the gameboy off of the dresser, sit up and begin playing.  I know - I need to get the kid off the crack like now yesterday).  And why wouldn’t it be the kind of morning where the bigger monster whines because he can’t wear shorts and sandals through the torrential downpour outside? (OK slight exaggeration on the torrential downpour - it was actually very sunny this morning - but just because it didn’t happen this morning, doesn’t mean it has not happened or he didn’t whine about something else). So needless to say, by the time we were all actually in the car, I’m pretty sure there was steam coming from my ears and I looked like I just stuck my finger in a light socket.  I let them both know that from now on the gameboy is off limits in the morning, to which the little one replies “well grandma lets us play it.”  This is right about the point where my head exploded.

Me:  (fierce and scary because my head just exploded) I don’t care what grandma does in the morning.  This isn’t grandma’s house, IS IT?!
Kids: (trembling with fear) no

Way to go, crazy mom.

Once we were in the car and on the road though, it was all good.  I told them it really makes mommy feel frustrated in the morning when they don’t listen.  And the little one chimes in “well mommy when you feel frustrated you just need to take a lot of deep breaths, OK?

“OK honey, I’ll be sure to remember that.”  And I chuckle and think to myself maybe my monsters aren’t such monstersAnd, if they are, maybe it has more to do with their Monster Mommy than it does anything else.