Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pasta Police

TJ:  MOM! Where is the pasta you said we were gonna have?!?!

CJ:  Yeah mom! You said we were gonna have pasta with our pork chops!!!

Me:  Oh crud. I'm sorry guys. I forgot to make it tonight. I'll make it tomorrow night, k? I promise.

TJ:  Mom, you better, or ELSE.

Me:  Or else what silly?

TJ:  Or else when we grow up, we're gonna move somewhere really far, FAR away from you.

CJ:  Yeah, like Texas.

TJ:  Yeah mom, if you don't make us pasta tomorrow, we're moving to TEXAS.

Me:  Alright, alright. Jeez you guys. I said I would make the pasta already, what more do you want from me?

TJ:  Can we have a sucker?

Me:  Um, No. Eat your dinner.

CJ:  Texas here we come.