Monday, November 8, 2010

My Kind Of Monsters

It depends on the day, really.  Their moods swing worse than mine sometimes.  Most of the time, they’re totally a Monsters-Inc/Kids-Say-The-Darnedest-Things combo.  Sometimes though, I wonder if I’m really just a modern-day Rosemary.  I find I usually have those thoughts when they’re tired, hungry, or grounded from video games — you know, basic needs and all that.

As far as zombies, I think sometimes they wish they were zombies.  However, we’re not really talking zombies a la Night of the Living Dead or Zombieland.  They run around with make-shift traffic cones and orange sand buckets on their heads defending their territories with imaginary plants that wield different offensive/defensive capabilities.  Yes, my little zombies prefer to eat plants most of the time.  Which is perfectly fine by me, actually.  I don’t think I’m ready for them to be too terribly interested in the logistics of death and flesh consumption.

My mom wrote a little poem (which I can’t seem to find now) about her grandmonsters and illustrated it with a pic she found and edited to fit.  I think, given both of our limited knowledge and expertise with photo editing software, its a pretty perfect graphic representation of the two of them.

And as far as safety goes, well, lets just say we haven’t seen MY monster graphic representation yet. *wink*