Friday, November 12, 2010

All I Want For Chrithmath

Yesterday as I was on my way out of the office for lunch, the receptionist yelled after me “Hey Lisa, your son is on 14.”

I wasn’t really sure why he would be calling me, because I forgot that it was a holiday and thought he should be in school.  I got a little panicked wondering why he’d be calling me from school, and hurried back in.  Before I picked up the pone, the receptionist informed me that he sounded pretty excited. “I answered and he goes ‘MOM! GUESS WHAT?!’ and I was like ‘who is this?’ and he goes ‘Uh its your son, CADEN?!’  He sounds pretty excited to talk to you.”  I just laughed as I picked up the phone to say hello.

CJ:  Mom?  Hey guess what?!
Me:  What babe?
Me:  Oh wow, alright dude!
CJ:  Do you know what was keeping my tooth hanging on, mom?  Just a little piece of my gum.  And then it came right off!
Me:  Yep, I told you it would be any time now.
CJ:  You know what this means mom?
Me:  That the—
CJ:  It means the TOOTH FAIRY IS GONNA COME!!!!!
Me:  Yep, that’s right! You just have to remember to put your tooth under your pillow.
CJ:  Oh, I will mom!  This is gonna be great!

We said our “I love you’s” and our “see you laters” and as I was hanging up the phone, and for the rest of the day, all I heard in my head was...

All I want for Chrithmath is my two front teeth… my two front teeth… 

One down, one to go — and then it’s on!